Monday, February 28, 2011

Cruising, Funeral and Moving

Well this month has been crazy busy. Travis's sweet Grandma Rowley passed away about 3 weeks ago. She was the most AMAZING woman I know. I hope I can be like her when I grow up!

We also went on a cruise to the Bahamas stopping in Key West Florida and a privately owned island called Cococay! This was a work trip, meaning Travis had to sell X amount of cabinets in 2010 to earn this trip. He of course being the amazing man he is sold that plus some. I will do an entire post on the cruise once I get our pictures for it.

Lastly, and what this post is really about is that we are moving AGAIN! I feel like I just did this, oh wait I did, about a year ago.  We have been renting this last year not sure what our future plans were going to be. We were pretty sure they involved moving back "home" or to our home state. Turns out that is not part of the plan for us, at least not right now. Last October we walked through an open house for a home in a neighborhood we LOVE. Just downt the street from where we are renting. It was an amazing home with alot of potential. It is outdated in alot of ways, but nothing we cant fix. Most importantly it has everything we need/want. 5 bedrooms, beautiful brick home, with a POOL! Yes, finally my wish is coming true! We couldn't be happier except that this means we are NOT moving home, at least not now, and that does make us sad. We feel this is the right decision for our family and we do like it here alot its just not the same as living by your family but our little family is strong and relies on eachother and I love that. There is so much work we are doing at the "new house" that include new master bath, including making an entire new shower (the one there now is tiny), new master closet and my own whole little section with vaniy and cupboards and drawers, LOTS and LOTS of paint, flooring, drywall changing the entryway, a pool fence and lots more. So, needless to say there will be many pictures to come of before, during and afters.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our Grady Boy!

Grady had his 4th birthday the beginning of the month and celebrated at Disneyland and then with a few friends decorating cookies. I wanted to take the opportunity to tell some of my favorite things about him at this stage of his life.
* I love that the first thing he wants to do when he wakes up in the morning is "snuggle" with his mommy.
* I love that he LOVES preschool and is learning so much
* I love the intensity in his eyes and face when he wrestles with Daisy
* I love when he asks for "wilt-meal" for breakfast (aka oatmeal)
* I love that he knows he is funny and loves to make us all laugh
* I love that he wants to know what letters are what and what words start/end with
* I love that when I have left for even an hour when I get home he runs to me and says "mommy" like I haven't seen him all day.
* I love that he always wants his daddy to "wrestle" him on the bed
* I love that he calls his favorite stuffed animal "Kefferson George" instead of Curious George, even though by now he probably actually knows the correct name.
*I love that he calls his blankets nee-nee's  and has to have all 3 of them when he goes to bed. ( I eventually made him a bigger blanket since his nee-nee's are recieving blankets and that was is now affectionately known as "big blanket", so he does know that his nee-nee's are blankets, ha ha)
* I love that when he thinks no-one is listening he will sit and talk to Daisy and say the cutest things like " Daisy, I love you so so much, you are my best friend, I love you so much, come snuggle with me"
* I love to watch him do the dancing game on the Wii, he is actually pretty stinkin good!
I could go on and on, this kid is so funny and I can't imagine my life without him and I do NOT want him to grow up. As I was cooking dinner tonight he wanted to help SO bad, I had had a LONG day and asked him to go play in the other room while I cooked. He came in a few minutes later and in the sweetest little voice said "Mom, could I give you a hand now?" What  4 year old says that? We all love you Grady boy and you fill our lives with such joy!